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- Goof proof operation to smooth uneven levels, add sustain to guitars, fatten drums or tighten up mixes
- New gate timing algorithms ensure the smoothest release characteristics
- Program-adaptive expander/gates
- Great sounding dynamics control for any type of program material
- Separate precision LED displays for gain reduction, compression threshold and gate threshold allow quick, accurate setup
- Stereo or dual-mode operation
- Balanced inputs and outputs on 1/4" TRS and XLR
- Side Chain insert
- Classic dbx "Auto" mode
When using the 266XL's AutoDynamic Attack and Release controls, artists and engineers will find that the center settings deliver classic dbx compression, while the full control range produces voicings that extend from slow leveling to aggressive peak limiting.
The Auto Dynamic circuitry continuously adjusts the actual attack and release times to optimally match the program material. Since users aren?t restricted to using the Attack and Release controls only in peak operation, they can tailor the response of the 266XL for individual tracks, mixed program material, special effects or system protection. As a result, production studios can use the versatile 266XL to replace multiple single-purpose limiters while sound reinforcement users can standardize on the 266XL for all of their applications.
The 266XL's advanced gate circuitry uses a completely new, program-dependent timing algorithm to produce ultra-smooth release characteristics - even with complex signals, such as voice or reverb decays. dbx engineers went on to take advantage of the wide dynamic range and high precision of the dbx VCA to design in an extra-wide threshold range and ensure top gating performance for each application.
Separate precision LED displays for gain reduction, compression threshold and gate threshold allow quick, accurate setup, while the 266XL's intuitive operation lets users easily smooth uneven levels, add sustain to guitars, squash drums or tighten up mixes. In Stereo couple mode, the Channel 1 controls become Master controls, and Channel 2 follows precisely to ensure a rock solid stereo image - even with high amounts of compression. Professionals and newcomers will find that the 266XL sets up rapidly and musically the first time it is used, and every time thereafter.
The dbx 266XL processor is the result of an intensive engineering and product development effort aimed at taking advantage of the latest and best advances in manufacturing technology to deliver true dbx audio performance and reliability to our customers at the lowest possible cost. The 266XL puts a completely new level of compressor/gate performance within everyone?s reach.
- Flat: 20Hz-20kHz, +0, -0.5dB
- Bandwidth: 0.35Hz-80kHz, +0, -3dB
- Input Impedance: 40k ohm Balanced/Unbalanced
- Max Level: +22dBu
- Impedance: Balanced +4dBu: Balanced: 200 ohm, Unbalanced: 100 ohm
- Max Level: +21dBu into 600 ohm
- Input Impedance: >10k ohm
- Output Impedance: <2k ohm
- Max Level: +21dBu
- Distortion +Noise: <0.2% any amount of compression at 1kHz
- Intermodulation Distortion: <0.2% SMPTE
- Noise: <-93dBu unweighted
- Dynamic Range: >114dB, unweighted
- Crosstalk: <-93dB @ 1kHz
- Common Mode Rejection: >40dB (Any Frequency)
- Stereo Coupling: True RMS Power Summing
- Threshold Chracteristics: Selectable OverEasy or hard knee
- Exp/Gate: Program Dependent Threshold
- Compressor: -40 to +20dB
- Expander/Gate: -60 to + 10 dB
- Ratio: Compressor: 1:1 to inf.
- Expander/Gate 1:1 to 4:1
- Compressor: Scalable Program Dependent
- Expander/Gate: <100 pico sec
- Compressor: Scalable Program Dependent
- Expander/Gate: Program Depenedent